The THiA Conference this year was a blast and TitanFile was happy to be a sponsor and influencer at the event. Although our favourite aspect of the conference was supporting the travel insurance industry at the event and sharing our expertise in cyber security, we also enjoyed the many takeaways we have received from this year’s amazing conference.
Here are our three main takeaways from THiA’s biggest event of the year:
THiA members operate across the globe. The conference’s opening reception, coffee breaks and closing reception are greats place to meet in one location and reconnect with current and prospective clients as well as key contacts in the industry in one specific professional setting – making it one of the most valuable things the conference provided for us.
Social Events
The wonderful events hosted by the conference, such as the golf tournament and the Cirque du Soleil event, provided great opportunities to further meet new people and make new connections in a more casual atmosphere.
Our favourite session was “Negotiation Skills – Enhance your Negotiating Effectiveness” by Greg Campeau, President Campeau Learning. The best take away from the session was the four books he suggested everyone in business should read:
We hope you enjoyed our takeaways as much as we enjoyed the amazing conference! Check out our postcard below to learn how TitanFile can help benefit THiA members.