An information leak is an event takes place when confidential information is revealed to unauthorized persons or parties. Any cursory scan of news sources demonstrates that unfortunately, data leaks happen with alarming frequency. Unsurprisingly, if the information is leaked concerning project deals or tender information, there can be a large loss of revenue for your business.
Information leaks may not always appear to directly hamper your business; however, there are often indirect repercussions. The leakage of confidential customer information can harm the reputation of your company in the marketplace. Future customers will be apprehensive about working with you, or in divulging personal information to your company.
Primary causes of information leakages:
IT professionals often work under the umbrella of technical terminology that’s not always accessible to those outside the department. This issue, among others, can cause friction between executive teams and those responsible for managing security. Interested in learning more? We’ve written a blog post on the resistance IT professionals can be met with when communicating cybersecurity issues to management.
Management teams are often the gatekeepers of important information. Often times confidential client information is not accessible to employees at a lower level in the company hierarchy. This opens up the possibility of an information leak stemming from upper management. That’s why it’s important to include executive members in all cybersecurity training sessions, regardless of whether they deem it necessary. It’s also another reason why it’s always a good idea to manage relationships carefully, ensuring that employees who leave your organization do so on a positive note. If the employee is happy they’re less likely to share information that could compromise your business.
Don’t impose blanket bans on employees – in order to work effectively they do require timely access to data. Blocking access to information may do more harm than good, and is not the solution to prevent future confidential customer information leakage. Instead, focus on training employees and giving them the skills and confidence they need to make security decisions. This is more effective in preventing workplace confidentiality violations.
Unfortunately, there are instances where employees have accidentally leaked confidential information. In such cases, the employee should be given the benefit of the doubt. Penalizing or firing such employees may lead to the loss of good talent and even create a negative impact on employee morale. Instead, strive to develop awareness across your organization about the risks of communication and IT leakages. Try new tactics to get people excited about cybersecurity, so that they’ll be interested in playing a more active role in protecting your organization.