
TitanFile Features and Product Updates Released in 2022

In 2021, we became the new standard in secure file sharing. In 2022, we continued to lead the way in innovation by integrating the most up-to-date technologies and best practices into TitanFile.

Below, you’ll find a curation of the new TitanFile new features, enhancements, and security updates in 2022.

New Features and Enhancements

Optional Columns in Channel CSV Exports 📄

When you export a channel history as CSV, you can now choose which columns to include in the export. Simply select or deselect columns to include or exclude them from the downloaded report. Learn more.

Custom Login Page Text ✏️

If you want to add a custom message to your company’s client portal login page, you can now customize it from your subscription management area. Learn more.

Email Aliases 📧

If you manage multiple email addresses or your company recently changed its domain name, you can now connect email aliases to your TitanFile account to receive notifications on multiple email addresses. Learn more.

Resume Failed Uploads 📤 

You shouldn’t have to restart an upload after a network interruption. Manually resume uploads from the last uploaded chunk with the click of a button. Learn more.

Security Updates

Acquired our ISO 27001, ISO 27017, and ISO 27018 certifications ✅

TitanFile’s #1 priority is security. In 2022, has successfully acquired its ISO 27001, ISO 27017, and ISO 27018 certifications, further proving its commitment to protecting all confidential data shared and stored on its platform. Learn more.

Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) 🔑

Customers on the Enterprise Plan can take advantage of TitanFile’s Customer-Managed Encryption Keys by creating an encryption key in their own cloud infrastructure account on Amazon AWS and making it accessible by the TitanFile platform. TitanFile then uses this key to encrypt any files uploaded by the customer or their users to TitanFile. Learn more.

Lock Channels 🔒

TitanFile now enables you to temporarily lock existing channels to prevent channel members from downloading existing files or uploading new ones. Learn more.

Renzo Delvecchio