Categories: Collaboration

Why you need a Collaborative Corporate Culture

Generally things go a lot better when everyone works together. Think peanut butter and jelly, mint chocolate chip and the Backstreet Boys before they decided to try out solo careers. The same can be said for your organization. When colleagues are comfortable working together, decisions get made easier, projects are finished faster and people are happier.

That’s why you need a corporate culture focused on collaboration. How we choose our professions, and where we choose to work each day, is changing. People are looking for more than just a job. Really it only makes sense – most people spend more time at work than they do most other places. That’s why people are seeking opportunities to feel involved and invested, to work with co-workers who share the same goals and to contribute to something they believe in.

More than just a tradition of pizza on Fridays (although that’s a great place to start!), focusing on collaboration encourages employees to troubleshoot creatively, and work with their peers to enhance the productivity of the entire enterprise. With digital collaboration, you can even provide links between employees who are located around the world – whether they’re based in another branch, or work from home.  These collaborative encounters can also save organizations money, as employees are able to complete tasks faster, freeing up their time to work on other projects.

Encouraging collaboration doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Chances are you already have meeting rooms equipped for group work. Employees working together to meet deadlines and complete projects? Sounds like you’re on the right track.

Interested in learning more about how to develop a collaborative culture in your workplace? Download our ebook, ‘How to Build your Enterprise with Collaboration‘ for more information, including tips on how to enhance both internal and external collaboration.

You can also get a free-trial of our secure file sharing and collaboration solution below to find out why it’s a great tool for collaboration.

Tony Abou-Assaleh

President and CEO of TitanFile, Tony is a computer scientist, researcher and an ex-Googler with extensive background in information security and team leadership.