Frequently Answered Questions
We want you to get the most out of TitanFile. That’s why we’ll happily address your concerns.
Here’s how we’ve answered questions that users have asked:
All files uploaded and shared through TitanFile are encrypted before being stored on our servers. The file encryption uses algorithms and schemes that have been approved for encrypting and storing classified information up to the Top Secret level by all US government departments and agencies. Our file encryption uses a combination of the AES encryption algorithm and the SHA-512 hashing algorithm. The AES algorithm that we use relies on a 256 bit encryption key, which provides for a much stronger protection than the 128 bit key typically used in commercial and consumer applications
TitanFile clients enjoy unlimited file size transfers and storage.
TitanFile allows you to securely share any type of file, including word documents, power point slides, and PDFs, with anyone in the world.
That means that you can also upload and exchange your video and audio files as you would share any other type of document.
No, only people within your organization require a license. Your external contacts are free.
TitanFile will ask your contacts to verify their identity through an instant email notification requiring the contact to enter a password and login to gain access to your shared files.
This will generate a TitanFile account for the contact, and will allow the contact to view and access shared files without always having to verify their identity. These accounts do not have to be paid for. It will take them less than 60 seconds to get started.
TitanFile’s Secure Send add-in for Outlook™ allows you to send secured files and messages directly from Outlook.
The majority of functions between TitanFile on a computer vs mobile are identical. You can upload files from your tablet and smartphone and also access files across any device with a web browser.
Branding options are available to Professional and Enterprise subscribers. These options allow administrators to upload their company logo to the organization’s TitanFile account, and feature their logo and email signature in all outgoing messages.
We serve professional clients that primarily share Word documents, PDFs, PowerPoints, and standard images and design files rather than pirated movie sharing. Because these files tend to be small, the cost of storing them isn’t as high.
We wanted to provide our clients with the greatest flexibility and peace of mind. We know that storage and sharing needs change over time. It’s unrealistic to ask people to guess how much storage they will need.
Besides, storage is actually pretty cheap, and it’s getting cheaper. We pass these savings onto you.
Information sharing and collaboration are integral to organizational success. Cloud computing and online file sharing is a popular choice for many organizations as it is cheaper than installing and maintaining onsite hardware and software.
IT departments are often reluctant to use cloud-based solutions because they are commonly thought to compromise security. In this case, sharing and storage security is our core offering. Our file encryption uses algorithms and schemes that have been approved for encrypting and storing classified information up to the Top Secret level by all US government departments or agencies.
We have servers in Canada, the United States, and Europe. You can choose where your data resides. We call it Custom Data Residency.
Depending on your needs, TitanFile can be deployed on-premise – please contact us for more details.